ICAI New Scheme 2023

ICAI Proposed CA New Scheme 2023 | Latest Updates & New Syllabus

The ICAI has suggested a new education and training program for CAs, called the “ICAI CA New Scheme 2023.” The ICAI official notification now states that the CA New Scheme will be introduced on July 1.

According to the ICAI CA New Scheme of Education and Training, which was published in the Indian Gazette on June 22, 2023, it will take effect on July 1st, 2023. 

Visit the announcements area of the official ICAI website to see the official Notification on the ICAI CA New Scheme. The redesigned CA curriculum for 2023 combines some papers from all three levels while removing others. The new approach also shortens the CA articleship from three to only two years.

ICAI CA Course Level New Changes
CA Foundation 4 Subjects from 6 Subjects
CA Intermediate 6 Papers (3 in each Group)
CA Articleship Period Reduced from 3 to 2 years
CA Final 6 Papers (3 in each Group)

The ICAI’s planned new education and training system for 2023 will therefore be covered in detail in this article, including the most recent developments and a comparison of the old and new systems.
Watch CA RC Sharma sir’s in-depth video for a thorough explanation of each topic in the CA revised syllabus 2023.

ICAI CA New Scheme of Education and Training 2023

Let’s first take a look at how long the CA Course will be under the new structure before delving into the specifics of each course and training.

Therefore, under the new CA plan, which will take effect in May 2024, a student will need to finish 42 months of education in order to become a chartered accountant.

ICAI CA Course Level Current New Changes
CA Foundation Registration/ Appear 10 + 2 Start Start
CA Foundation Study Period 4 Months 4 Months
CA Intermediate Study Period 8 Months 8 Months
CA Articleship 36 Months 24 Months
CA Final Study Period 6 Months
Total CA Course Duration 48 Months 42 Months
Work Experience for CoP 12 Months

Latest Update on ICAI CA New Course

ICAI New Course Approved by Central Government

The CA New course has received approval from the Law Ministry, and starting with the May 2024 tests, the new methodology will be applied. Anupam Sharma, a CA and ICAI member, tweeted the information. The public will soon learn about it through the ICAI CA.
It is recommended that all CA students attempt to adequately plan their studies before their papers are due in May 2024. The council meeting for the CA new course has been postponed until June 15, 2023, according to a recent tweet from CA Anupam Sharma on May 26, 2023. Students won’t receive official confirmation of the new ICAI course 2023 for a while.

Beginning in July 2023, the ICAI CA course will be taught in its new format. ICAI President Aniket Talati announced the information during the press conference. In order to help CA students become globally competent, the new course will include addressing blockchain and AI.

ICAI CA New Scheme 2023 Applicability Date – Latest Update

Starting with the May 2024 attempt, the ICAI CA New Scheme 2023 will be put into effect. According to an ICAI representative, the new course will be rendered obsolete as of November 2023.
According to CA Aniket Sunil Talati, vice-president of the ICAI, the CA New Scheme 2023 will take effect in November 2023 if the MCA approves it before February 2023. The amended program will go into effect in May 2024, unless the MCA takes longer than anticipated to approve.

Important Dates

Following are the Important Dates provided by ICAI in the most recent statement on the CA New Scheme: 

Particulars Date/Attempt
Last date for Registration in Foundation under Existing Scheme 1st July 2023
Last date for Registration in Intermediate and Final Courses under Existing Scheme 30th June, 2023
Date of commencement of Registration and Conversion in Foundation Course under New Scheme 2nd August, 2023
Date of commencement of Registration and Conversion in Intermediate and Final Courses under New Scheme 1st July, 2023
First Foundation Examination under New Scheme June, 2024
First Intermediate and Final Examination under New Scheme May, 2024
Last Foundation Examination under Existing Scheme December, 2023
Last Intermediate and Final Examination under Existing Scheme November, 2023
Last date of commencement of three years of Practical Training 30th June, 2023
Date of commencement of two years uninterrupted Practical Training 1st July, 2023

CA Foundation New Course 2023

Repeating the CA Foundation course a predetermined number of times is not yet required. Therefore, students are free to try as often as they wish. The CA Foundation registration’s validity may also be extended numerous times.

Children may enroll in the planned education and training program after tenth grade, and their registration with the CA Foundation is valid for four years. Students are also not allowed to revalidate their foundation registration after those four years.

The CA Foundation will no longer have a membership cutoff date, such as January 1 or July 1. The ICAI will be able to conduct three exams year thanks to this.

CA Foundation New Syllabus 2023

Currently, the CA Foundation program offers 6 subjects and 4 examinations. The ICAI has currently removed Business Correspondence and reporting and Business and commercial Knowledge from the new curriculum.
The following is the new CA Foundation curriculum for 2023:

    • Paper – 1: Accounting (100 Marks)
    • Paper – 2: Business Laws (100 Marks)
    • Paper – 3: Quantitative Aptitude (100 Marks)
      • Business Mathematics
      • Logical Reasoning
      • Statistics
  • Paper – 4: Business Economics (100 Marks)

CA Foundation Passing Criteria

The CA Foundation test pattern has also undergone some adjustments as a result of the ICAI. Under the new system, students must obtain 50% of the possible points to pass the CA Foundation examinations, and each incorrect MCQ answer will deduct points from their final score. Points: 25.

Current Proposed
Subjective and Objective both Subjective and Objective with negative marking (.25)

All of these changes are included in the updated CA Foundation course syllabus and training program.
You can enroll in Amit Bachhawat  CA Foundation tutoring if you want to study for the 2023 CA examinations. Every aspect of our training is built on the most recent ICAI exam format and study guides.

CA Intermediate Course under New Scheme 2023

CA Intermediate Eligibility

The prerequisites for the CA Intermediate course remain unchanged. However, those who choose the direct entry route must commit to an 8-month study time in order to take the tests.

CA Intermediate Registration Validity

Instead of having a four-year validity period, the CA Intermediate registration now has a five-year one. CA Intermediate students are only permitted to pay the necessary costs for revalidating their registration form once.

CA Intermediate Registration Validity

Instead of having a four-year validity period, the CA Intermediate registration now has a five-year one. CA Intermediate students are only permitted to pay the necessary costs for revalidating their registration form once.

CA Intermediate New Syllabus 2023

There will only be six papers in the CA Intermediate course as opposed to the previous eight. The following modifications to the CA Intermediate subjects have been suggested by the ICAI:

  • The first paper after Papers 1 and 5 were combined will be Advanced Accounting.
  • Enterprise Information Systems and Economics for Finance have been dropped from Papers 7 and 8, respectively. The remaining material is divided into two sections (each worth 50 points) for Paper 6: Financial Management and Strategic Management.
  • The Companies Act will be thoroughly covered in paper 2 of the corporate law course. At the CA Foundation level, business law will be covered.

CA Intermediate Passing Criteria

The standards for completing the CA Intermediate exams will also alter. As a result, MCQs will make up 30% of the questions on each of the six exams. Additionally,.25 of the total grade will be subtracted for each incorrect response.

Exemption Criteria for CA Intermediate

If you are given an exemption under the new method, it will apply to all future submissions for that job. The ICAI would likely consider the exempted papers to have successfully passed for good in light of this. However, in order to receive a CA intermediate result, you must pass the following exams with a minimum score of 50%.

CA Intermediate Exam Pattern under New Scheme

Significant changes are anticipated in CA Intermediate Accounting and Auditing with the implementation of a code of conduct in CA Inter Auditing.

CA Intermediate Subjective Objective
Paper 1 :Advance Accounting 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 2 :Corporate Laws 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 3 :Cost and Management Accounting 70 Marks 70 Marks
Paper 4 :Taxation 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 5 :Auditing and Code of Ethics 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 6 :Financial Management 35 Marks 15 Marks
Paper 6 :Strategic Management 35 Marks 15 Marks

CA Articleship Training

The significant adjustments that ICAI has recommended for the CA articleship Training will be advantageous to the students.

Practical Training Time Period/Duration

The three-year length of the CA articleship was shortened by the ICAI to two years. The fact that all CA applicants can now become CAs more faster than before should make everyone extremely happy.
There is still a demand for applicants who desire to become practitioners despite the shortened CA Articleship period.
Candidates seeking chartered accounting roles must have finished a year of work experience at a company with a focus on the discipline. They will then be given a certificate for practicing.
Existing CAs will be considered to have met this requirement if they have worked one year for a CA firm during the previous five years. Those seeking for job are not subject to this restriction.

CA Articleship EligibilityCA Articleship Eligibility

According to the CA New Scheme 2023, students must successfully complete the ICITSS training as well as the CA Intermediate group exams in order to be qualified to begin the articleship training.
The change will be advantageous to the student because it frees them up to completely concentrate on the practical training without having to worry about test preparation.

CA Articleship Stipend

The inadequate salary for CA articleships that many students get is occasionally a source of complaint. According to the ICAI’s resolution, the stipend will therefore be increased by 100%.

CA Articleship Leaves

The ICAI has lowered the amount of leaves because students are not obliged to take tests during the practical training. Only 12 leaves per year, or a total of 24 over the course of two years, are permitted for students

ICAI Self-paced Modules

The ICAI has added self-paced courses to the updated education and training program. With these modules, individual study and online testing are both feasible. There are four sets total in the self-paced modules: Sets A, B, C, and D. Students must pass these 4 sets of tests in order to be qualified to take the CA Final exams. They need to earn more than 50% of the possible points in order to pass these classes.
Sets A and B, which are Economics Law and Strategic Cost Management, are the only two that must be taken. Here are a few more topics from the original CA Final course that were removed. The pupils in the other two categories are allowed to select any subjects they like. During the articleship program, students can enroll in these online self-paced courses and study for their exams while taking them.

CA Final Course under New Scheme of Education and Training

CA Final Eligibility and Registration

Students must pass both groups of the CA Intermediate exams and the ICITSS training in order to enroll in the CA Final course. But for the CA Final exams, students must:

  • The Advanced Course at ICITISS.
  • Following the conclusion of the practical training, finish the six-month study phase.
  • The four independent study modules must be completed.

The registration for the CA Final is good for ten years. After ten years, candidates can revalidate their registration for the necessary cost.

CA Final New Syllabus 2023

The ICAI has decreased the number of CA Final papers from 8 to 6 in the CA New Scheme 2023. There are now two groups, and each group will submit three papers.

Significant changes have been made to the CA Final Subjects, including:

  • The topics covered in Papers 4 and 5 won’t be included in the self-paced modules.
  • There won’t be any additional options in Paper 6.
  •  A multidisciplinary case study involving strategic management will be used to accomplish this.
  • Risk management and capital markets are now among the elective subjects in Set C of the self-paced courses.

CA Final Exam Pattern

All CA Final papers will have 30% MCQs, just like the new CA Intermediate course in 2022. Additionally, 25% of your grade will be deducted for each wrong objective response.

CA Final May 2024 Subject and New Exam Pattern

CA Intermediate Subjective Objective
Paper 1 :Final Reporting 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 2 :Advance Financial Management (AFM) 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 3 :Advance Auditing and Professional Ethics 70 Marks 70 Marks
Paper 4 :Multi- Disciplinary Case Study with Strategic Management 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 5 :Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation 70 Marks 30 Marks
Paper 6 :Indirect Tax Laws 35 Marks 15 Marks

The CA Final exemption regulations are identical to the CA Intermediate regulations. See this in-depth article for the most updated information on the CA Final findings.

Exit Route – Business Accounting Associate

The new CA Course 2023 will also change the exit route. The CA course is commonly abandoned by students who don’t pass the final exams.
The ICAI will now award the Business Accounting Associate credential rather than the Accounting Technician certificate. However, they must adhere to the following rules:

  • Intermediate CA passed both tests.
  • The education required for the CA Articleship has finished.
  • completed the information technology and soft skills courses.
  • completed all four of the self-paced modules.
  • For further information on the revised suggested plan, students can consult the PPT presentation and pdf created by the ICAI, which is also the source of this post.

Must Check : CA Foundation New Syllabus | CA Inter New Syllabus


All of this is related to the CA New Scheme of Education and Training that the ICAI recently recommended and will be implemented beginning with the May 2024 exams. Future chartered accountants will gain from the new course since it will better prepare them for global markets. Be sure to check back frequently since Amit Bachhawat will update this page with any ICAI information relating to the new CA Course Scheme

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CA New Curriculum for 2024?

Subjects, exam dates, and skill-based module information for the CA New Curriculums will be made accessible on or after July 1st.

When will the CA New Course Scheme be implemented? Is it applicable for May 2024 exams?

The CA New Course Scheme will go into force as of 2024, per the ICAI release. The first Foundation Examination under the revised schedule will start in June 2024, although the Intermediate and Final Examinations will start in May 2024.

What are the key changes in the CA New Course Scheme 2024?

The CA New Course Scheme 2024 introduces significant adjustments to subjects, test patterns, and skill-based modules to guarantee a more extensive and appropriate curriculum for prospective chartered accountants.

How does the CA New Course Scheme affect Articleship and practical training?

With special rules for leaves and training days, the CA New Course Scheme shortens the Articleship to two years. To compare the present and suggested schemes, see the updated table below:

Articleship Current Scheme  Proposed Scheme
A. Total number of days of Training 1095 (365 x 3) 730 (365 x 2)
B. Leaves permitted 156 leaves (1095 x 1/7th Days) 24 leaves (12 per year)
C. No of Sundays (52 in a year) 156 (52 x 3) 104 (52 x 2)
D. No. of Gazetted Holidays Approx. 15 in year) 45 (15 x 3) 30 (15 x 2)
E. Paid leaves for Advance ITT and MCS 30 0 [See Note]
Effective days of Training [Total of A – (B+C+D+E)] 708 [1095 – (156 + 156 + 45 + 30)] 572 [730 – (24 + 104 + 30 + 0)]


Difference between the period of training under Current and Proposed Scheme = 136 days (708-572).

Note: Advanced ITT and MCS can be done after completion of Training under the Proposed Scheme.

Which subjects have been removed from the CA Final syllabus?

The CA Final New Syllabus removes Corporate & Economic Law and SCMPE, streamlining the curriculum to focus on essential topics.

Will the CA New Curriculum impact existing CA students?

The ICAI has offered a Conversion (Transition) Scheme and detailed how the New Curriculum may be applied in all conceivable circumstances.

Are there any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern?

There will be 30% case scenario/ case-study based MCQs and 70% descriptive questions in all the six papers of Intermediate & Final Examination.

Are there any changes in the study material or reference books?

The ICAI announced the syllabus and new study materials on July 1st, 2023.

How can I prepare for the CA exams under the new curriculum?

The Transition Scheme for Students Preparing Under the Existing Scheme has undergone modification by the ICAI. You can use that as a guide to choose the term and curriculum that are best for your circumstances. Start preparing after that in accordance with your choice.

Will there be any transitional provisions or exemptions for students transitioning to the new curriculum?

The Examination Department will separately notify students of any exemptions connected to the New Curriculum.

Will the CA New Curriculum impact the duration of the CA course?

Yes. Because the practical training time that follows the CA Intermediate Exams has been reduced from three years to two, the CA Course may be shorter with the new curriculum. Exams are also available to students six months after their practical training is complete. This means that the time it takes to become a Qualified Chartered Accountant will be 6 months less than it was under the old method if a student successfully completes the Self Paced Learning Module and Practical Training in addition to passing all levels on their first try.

Are there any changes in the registration process for the CA exams under the new curriculum?

Students need to register for Foundation/ Intermediate/ Final level under the New Scheme of Education and Training through Self Service Portal (SSP) at the link https://eservices.icai.org/.

Will the CA New Curriculum affect the eligibility criteria for appearing in the CA exams?

No. The eligibility Criteria remains same..

Are there any changes in the marking scheme for different subjects in the CA exams?

There will be 70% descriptive questions and 30% multiple-choice questions based on case scenarios or case studies in each of the six exams of the Intermediate & Final Examination.