
CA Intermediate Chapter-Wise Weightage for Jan 2025

ca inter chapter wise weightage


The CA Intermediate chapter-wise weightage is a key tool for students preparing for the ICAI exams. To streamline the preparation process, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has tasked the Board of Studies (BoS) with assigning specific marks to various sections of the syllabus. This structured allocation helps students plan their study schedules effectively by highlighting the importance of each chapter.

Every subject in the CA Intermediate syllabus is divided into multiple topics, each carrying a specific weightage that reflects its significance in the exam. For candidates feeling unsure about where to begin their preparation, understanding the CA Inter chapter-wise weightage provides much-needed clarity and focus.

The CA Intermediate course is the second step in the journey toward becoming a Chartered Accountant. It is a prerequisite to advancing to the final level, with each stage posing greater challenges. Early preparation and a strategic approach are crucial for success. Enrolling in a comprehensive program, like the PW CA Intermediate Course, can give students the guidance they need to get started effectively.

Importance of Chapter-Wise Weightage

The CA Intermediate exams are a critical milestone for aspiring Chartered Accountants. Knowing the chapter-wise weightage helps students adopt a more strategic approach to preparation, enabling them to focus on areas that matter most.

The marks distribution across chapters provides essential insights into which topics demand more time and effort. By prioritizing chapters based on their weightage, students can ensure balanced preparation, aligning their study plans with the exam’s structure.

This focus on CA Inter chapter-wise weightage not only saves time but also builds confidence, allowing students to approach their exams with a clear plan. Aspiring Chartered Accountants who understand and leverage this information are better equipped to succeed in the CA Intermediate examinations.

CA Inter Subject Wise Weightage

Preparing for the CA Intermediate exams demands a strategic approach to understanding subject-wise weightage. At this pivotal stage in the Chartered Accountancy journey, candidates need to focus their study efforts on the mark distribution outlined in the CA Intermediate syllabus. Explore the subject-wise weightage details below:

Paper 1: Advanced Accounting (100 Marks)

Check CA Intermediate Chapter-wise Weightage for Advanced Accounting in the table below:


Contents Section Weightage
1. Process of formulation of Accounting Standards including Indian Accounting Standards (IFRS converged standards) and IFRSs; Convergence vs Adoption; Objective and Concepts of carve outs. I 55%-65%
2. Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (as per Accounting Standards). I 55%-65%
3. (i) Applicability of Accounting Standards to various entities (ii) Application of Accounting Standards:
– AS 1: Disclosure of Accounting Policies
– AS 2: Valuation of Inventories
– AS 3: Cash Flow Statements
– AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date
– AS 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies
– AS 7: Construction Contracts
– AS 9: Revenue Recognition
– AS 10: Property, Plant and Equipment
– AS 11: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
– AS 12: Accounting for Government Grants
– AS 13: Accounting for Investments
– AS 14: Accounting for Amalgamations (excluding inter-company holdings)
– AS 15: Employee Benefits
– AS 16: Borrowing Costs
– AS 17: Segment Reporting
– AS 18: Related Party Disclosures
– AS 19: Leases
– AS 20: Earnings Per Share
– AS 21: Consolidated Financial Statements of single subsidiaries (excluding specific problems)
– AS 22: Accounting for Taxes on Income
– AS 23: Accounting for Investment in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements
– AS 24: Discontinuing Operations
– AS 25: Interim Financial Reporting
– AS 26: Intangible Assets
– AS 27: Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures
– AS 28: Impairment of Assets
– AS 29: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
I 55%-65%
4. Company Accounts II 30%-35%
(i) Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 (Division I) (ii) Preparation of financial statements – Statement of Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement (iii) Buy back of securities (iv) Accounting for reconstruction of companies II 30%-35%
5. Accounting for Branches including foreign branches. III 5%-10%

Chapter 2: Corporate and Other Laws (100 Marks)

The CA Intermediate Chapter-Wise Weightage for Corporate and Other Laws in the table below:


Part Contents Sections Weightage
Part I – Company Law and LLP Law (70 Marks) The Companies Act, 2013 including important rules and drafting of notices, resolutions I 20%-30%
Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental thereto I 20%-30%
Prospectus and Allotment of Securities I 20%-30%
Share Capital and Debentures I 20%-30%
Part II – Other Laws (30 Marks) The General Clauses Act, 1897: Important Definitions, Extent and Applicability, General Rules of Construction, Powers and Functionaries, Provisions as to Orders, Rules, etc. made under Enactments and Miscellaneous Provisions I 35%-40%
Interpretation of statutes: Rules of Interpretation of Statutes, Aids to Interpretation, Rules of Interpretation/Construction of Deeds and Documents II 25%-30%
The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999: Significant definitions and concepts of Current and Capital Account Transactions III 30%-40%
The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 including important Rules IV 15%-20%

Paper 3: Taxation (100 Marks)

Check the table below for CA Intermediate Chapter-Wise Weightage for Paper 3 Taxation, divided into two sections:

Part Contents Section Weightage
Section A: Income-Tax Laws (50 Marks) Basic Concepts

  • Income-tax law: An introduction
  • Significant concepts in income-tax law, including person, assessee, previous year, assessment year, income, agricultural income
  • Basis of Charge
  • Procedure for computation of total income and tax payable in case of individuals
I 10%-20%
Residential status and scope of total income

  • Residential status
  • Scope of total income
Heads of income and the provisions governing the computation of income under different heads

  • Salaries
  • Income from house property
  • Profits and gains of business or profession
  • Capital gains
  • Income from other sources
II 25%-30%
Provisions relating to clubbing of income, set-off or carry forward and set-off of losses, deductions from gross total income III 15%-20%
Advance Tax, Tax deduction at source, and tax collection at source IV 15%-20%
Provisions for filing return of income and self-assessment 15%-20%
Computation of total income and income tax payable by an individual under the alternative tax regimes under the Income-tax Act, 1961 to optimize tax liability. V 20%-25%
Section B: Goods and Services Tax (GST) (50 Marks) GST Laws: An introduction including Constitutional aspects I 0-5%
Levy and collection of CGST and IGST

  • Application of CGST/IGST law
  • Concept of supply including composite and mixed supplies
  • Charge of tax including reverse charge
  • Exemption from tax
  • Composition levy
II 50%-80%
Basic concepts of:

  • Classification
  • Place of supply
  • Time of supply
  • Value of Supply
  • Input tax credit
III 20%-45%
Computation of GST liability
Tax invoice; Credit and Debit Notes; Electronic way bill
Accounts and Records
Payment of tax

Paper 4: Cost and Management Accounting (100 Marks)

The table below provides CA Intermediate Chapter-Wise Weightage for Cost and Management Accounting:

Contents Section Weightage
Overview of Cost and Management Accounting I 10%-15%
Ascertainment of Cost and Cost Accounting System II 35%-40%
Methods of Costing III 20%-25%
Cost Control and Analysis IV 25%-30%

Paper 5: Auditing and Ethics (100 Marks)

Check CA Intermediate Chapter-wise Weightage for Auditing and Ethics in the table below:

Contents Section Weightage
Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit I 4%-6%
Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Program II 8%-12%
Risk Assessment and Internal Control III 8%-12%
Audit Evidence IV 12%-18%
Audit Documentation
Audit of Items of Financial Statements V 12%-20%
Completion and Review VI 8%-12%
Audit Report VII 8%-12%
Special Features of Audit of Different Types of Entities VIII 12%-18%
Audit of Banks
Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements IX 8%-10%

Paper 6: Financial Management and Strategic Management (100 Marks)

Check CA Intermediate Chapter-wise Weightage for Financial Management and Strategic Management in the table below:

Part Contents Section Weightage
Part 6A: Financial Management Financial Management and Financial Analysis I 10%-15%
Financing Decisions and Cost of Capital II 45%-50%
Capital Investment and Dividend Decisions III 20%-25%
Management of Working Capital IV 15%-20%
Part 6B: Strategic Management Introduction to Strategic Management I 15%-25%
Strategic Analysis: External Environment II 15%-25%
Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment III 15%-25%
Strategic Choices IV 15%-25%
Strategy Implementation and Evaluation V 15%-25%

CA Inter Law Exam Preparation Strategy

Preparing for the CA Inter Law exam demands a strategic approach that blends conceptual understanding, consistent practice, and efficient time management. Begin by analyzing the CA Inter chapter-wise weightage to pinpoint high-priority topics like the Companies Act, Contract Act, and Ethics, and allocate your study time accordingly. Regularly practicing mock tests and past papers will enhance your confidence and exam readiness. For expert guidance and a structured approach to mastering the syllabus, enroll in Amit Bachhawat Training Forum, known for its exceptional resources and proven teaching methodologies.

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